TRM Series

  • Product
  • TRM Series


- To be suitable for the dispersion of wide range of products and for improving the product quality.
- Productivity improvement by high-speed rotation.
- Noise and vibration free.
- Easy to clean and effective maintenance is possible.
- By equipping with various kinds of auxiliary units, improving working efficiency and automation are available.


- Printing inks
- Paints and pigments
- Paints for automobiles
- Cosmetics
- Resin coloring agents
- Bonding agents
- Chocolate
- Other viscous raw materials


- Heating type
- Explosion proof type of motor and control panel


Model Rolls Motor (kw) A B C D E F
Inch Millmeter Front roll(rpm) Gear ratio
TRM-4 4½x12 115x305 120~150 1:2.6:6.8 0.75 700 942 900 680 560 500
TRM-5 5½x14 140x356 120~150 1:2.6:6.8 1.5 800 942 1098 700 620 500
TRM-6 6½x17 165x432 150~180 1:2.8:7.8 1.5~2.2 945 950 1284 910 820 500
TRM-9 9x20 229x508 150~180 1:3:9 2.2~3.7 1176 1010 1509 1120 1040 500
TRM-12 12x27 305x686 150~200 1:3:9 5.5~7.5 1350 1120 1772 1450 1330 600
TRM-14 14x32 356x813 150~230 1:3:9 11~15 1574 1210 2054 1565 1440 660
TRM-16 16x42 407x1066 150~230 1:3:9 11~22 1885 1346 2410 1825 1655 750

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