
  • Introduce

Myung Kwang Machinery Mfg. Co., is a top manufacturer and supplier of the high quality machineries in the fields of chemical industry for paints, printing inks, magnetic paints, adhesives, dyes and pigments.

Since founded in 1985, we have been specialized in manufacturing MILL & MIXER and as a result,
we have a good reputation with the remarkable technical development by ourselves and the thorough after-sales services.

Accordingly, we are convinced that the ultra-particles MILL (SPM series), which is newly developed by our accumulated technology and long experiences, will contribute greatly to improve the productivity of the higher quality products.

Myung Kwang Machinery Mfg. Co. promises our customers that with our endless development of the technology and the aggressive challenging spirit, we will manufacture and supply with the best quality machineries to the fields of chemical industry which are changing rapidly.

  • Established date
  • 1985
  • 28,Shinheung-ro 413 beon-gil, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • Product
  • Myungkwang Mill SPM Series / Myungkwang Mill MH Series / Myungkwang Mill MV Series / / Three Roll Mill / Dissolver / Butterfly Mixer / Butterfly Twin Mixer / Homo Mixer / Basket Mill / / Kneader / Super Mixer / Tank Loader / Autocon /
  • tel:
  • +82-032-682-6330
  • fax:
  • +82-32-682-6332

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